How to navigate this website?

  1. Click the 'Login' button in the navigation bar.
  2. Enter username & password into the login form.
    • Username:
    • Password: password123
  3. After successfully logging in, you will be automatically redirected to the homepage.
  4. Next, click the 'Add Movies' section in the navigation bar. You will be redirected to the 'addMovies.html' page.
  5. Then, click the 'Add new movies' button. A modal containing a form will appear.
  6. Key in the details of the movie you wish to add to the website. Once done, press 'Submit'.
  7. If your movie details passes all validation checks ✔️, the movie will be added to the website. You will then be redirected to the 'process.html' page.
  8. If your movie details fails one or more validation checks ❌, error message(s) will be displayed at the bottom of the 'Add Movies' form. Please amend your movie details in order to proceed.
  9. Next, please click the 'SP Movies' logo in the navigation bar. You will be redirected to the homepage where you can see a list of movies added into the database! This page is viewable regardless of whether you have logged in or not.
  10. You can also save the movies that you want to watch in future. They will be displayed in the 'Movies Watchlist' page 📜. This information is stored locally.
  11. You can press the 'Logout' button at any time to logout. Otherwise, upon closing the browser tab/window, you will be automatically logged out as well 😊.